

To see is to believe, to feel is to be human.

Peppar allows restaurateur’s creation comes to life in otherwise flat printed media. Peppar and Peppar Restaurant is built with customer’s experience in mind. By using augmented reality (AR) technology and game engine in the development, we not only improves the visual of the menu, but also allows interaction between creation and the admirer, and makes the whole dining experience not confined to the restaurant, but beyond, and touch the soul of user.

We had improved the efficiency of food model’s development to make adoption of augmented reality economical, if not become possible. We had designed the app to be cloud oriented, possible to use along restaurant’s already invested system and to improve the operation with minimal disruption of current practice. It allows customization of menu items, it is scalable and flexible. Restaurant can choose level of details and services intended in their Peppar Restaurant app.

Let us be your partner and to pull your customers closer to you. Your customers are no more just a total amount, we make it possible to know your customers better.

How and Why

Our Cloud Target Recognition with Game Engine enabled instantaneous response and improved user's experience


Face it, no customer will ever keep patronage to a single restaurant, and the same go to the restaurant app. In single platform complete with customers engagement programs, a restaurant has no worry about get uninstalled, and customers can save the hassle of having to deal with tens of restaurant apps.


With our immersive technologies, customer experience is greatly improved through interaction of products using augmented reality (AR) and gamification. They can have a 360˚ view of the restaurant’s creations, know the portion, know the details beyond what could be printed, interact with it, play with it and share it.


Apart from viewing and interaction, restaurateurs can manage operating hour, stewards/ personnel, tables and menu items' price, description and availability, and order processing using restaurant app. It is flexible to go for only regular menu, adding new items, number of devices for stewards and authorization.

 Process Flow


Customer installs Peppar and register an account. Customer logins and scans the specific image target of restaurant to access the menu 


Menu and AR content get downloaded. Customer views the regular menu and available AR items. Customer places the order 


Restaurant's app receives and processes the order and keeps customer updated, while customer is interacting with AR and share it on social media

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